Our Asset Management & Reliability assessment tool will compare you to all the best practices in the 15 key elements of the reliability model. We’ll talk to you and your people at every level, look at your data, have open dialogue. The road to high reliability and availability starts here.
So you’ve got a model. But how do you know where you are? Where do you stand?
Assetivo can use its Asset Management & Reliability assessment tool to compare you to all the best practices in the 15 key elements. We’ll talk to you and your people at every level, look at your data, have open dialogue. This is not an audit – so have no fear. It’s all about us both understanding where you are on your AM & R maturity journey. And where you can improve, where you can change things for the better, be more sustainable, where you can focus your resources for the biggest return on investment. Marginal gains. Step improvements.
You may have most fundamental elements in place or there may be some easy to fix issues that give you a good foundation. Maybe your strategy and processes are lacking? Or you are simply not managing your performance well enough. In some cases your organisation may be trying to optimise operations without even doing the basic things right such as lubrication management, training and competency and operator-driven reliability.
Contact us now to start your journey. We may not be able to help you deliver every improvement and recommendation, but we’ll be with you all the way. We won’t just hand you a report and walk away.
Other Assessments - Assetivo can also offer a range of other maintenance-related assessments including condition monitoring, lubrication best practices, asset management, reliability best practices and others.
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